Many of you are in a wait and see mode in regards to the WAA and I completely understand that. Though I cannot tell you where we will end up on many issues I can promise you that representation of sportfishers will remain our primary driving agenda, here is why.
Yesterday I received a synopsis of a study finished in May 1999 regarding the economic impact of Commercial and Recreational fishing.
Though I haven't had these actual numbers in my hand it is one of the driving forces behind the WAA, the belief that recreational fishing is far more important to the economy of this State.
I will use the numbers from the same year 1991 (only year with dual numbers) WDFW did the commercial impact for the economy study and the Southwick Co. did it for the recreational side. It is my hope that by seeing these numbers you will begin to understand why we feel a unified voice is so important.
Total impact:
Recreational......1.4 billion
Commercial........531 million
Total Jobs Recreational......27,200
Total Wages Recreational......417 million
Commercial........328 million
In every category recreational fishing even in its depressed and confined condition still is far and above more viable to the economy of this state...lets join together and make this a stronger position yet!!
Jim Bain
Always have Fun while Fishing!!!