Hey Marty, just saw your post and of coarse I had to check it out. Yes, I indeed did apply for a patent on "John's Jigs" being advised I probably wouldn't get it but during the waiting process I'd at least have patent pending rights. Getting my foot in the door before anyone could copy my idea.
Fishing lures of any kind are very hard to patent I was told. If its an idea someone else could come with on their own down the road I was told it isn't a patentable item.
You can talk with the patent attorney I used out of Mercer Island, his name is Robert M. Stormwick, # is (206) 232-2687. Not sure for sure if the # is still the same, this was 5 years ago. First they'll have you fill out a "Invention Disclosure Form" :...Title Of Invention, Inventorship / Ownership, a 25 word description of what problem is solved by your invention, Application of Invention, Prior Solutions, Search Data to make sure someone else hasn't previously attempted to make the same invention, Drawings of Invention, Description of drawings, Advantages of this invention, Alternative Solutions to your invention, & Witness Records that have witnessed this invention as yours and know how it works. (Taken From Patent Form I Was given)
Cost to me was out of pocket close to 3 grand. Good luck Marty let me know how it turns out. You've already got my E-Mail address and I still owe you a trip on the Sauk so drop me a line. J---<")(\(\)>{
John Koenig
John's Guide Service
"Wounded Warriors In Action" Associate & NW Field Coordinator
"Life is short. Never pass up a hug. Look children in the eye when you talk to them. Bend the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile."