If its Sockeyes you want, Sockeyes you will get. Im not going to go into fishing for Sockeyes because it's just a snag fest. However, you may run into some rainbows which are definately worth the time and effort. There are some BIG bows in that river. If the Sockeyes are not dropping eggs, you can do one or two things. The rainbows will be keyed up waiting for the spawn and will be less selective as far as egg patterns, so I would use glo-bugs or battle eggs in brighter colors. The second option would be to swing leeches. If the Sockeyes are dropping eggs, then in my opinion there is only one way to fish. BEADS,BEADS,BEADS. Brooks is fly-only water so in order to stay legal you can only fish a bead within two inches of a fly. In other words a bead can only be used as an attractor. So get yourself some tiemco 2457 size 10 and tye some weak chironomid pattern, and peg your bead no more than two inches above the "chironomid". As far as where to fish. I would walk up to the upper lake and fish my way down, its really not that far if you have all day. Get yourself a good pair of polarized glasses and keep your eyes open. Oh yeah there will most likely be alot of bears, but the bears at Brooks make Yogi seem scary. I would recommend keeping your distance though because I swear there is a Park Ranger behind every tree and they are sticklers about people keeping their distance form the bears. Good Luck, next time you go to Alaska I would recommend the last week of August through September. That is if you are a Rainbow junkie like me.