#91903 - 06/21/00 02:36 AM
King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/22/00
Posts: 270
Loc: Sunny Salmontackler Acres
This river is a unique fishery that has been groomed and adored by flyfisherman throughout the NW for 20 years. This maybe the only stream in Washington that has the ability to grow resident trout in excess of 20". Allowing anglers to fish for Kings in this fishery is a huge mistake 1. keeping a Chinook that has been in the freshwater for a 100 miles takes a special kind of taste bud, YUK! And don't give me that smoker BS. There are many other opportunities to fish for BRIGHT springers in Washington. 2. I have heard MANY reports of poaching and 20" rainbows taking plug treble hooks through the cranium. Dead trout! 3. This fishery will bring no excess money to the Fish and Wildlife dept. 99.9% of the people fishing this river for salmon will already have a license. Would you buy a license to fish for Darky Kings on the Yakima? 4. This fishery is by far the most healthy trout fishery in Washington, in fact, it is Washington's only "Blue Ribbon" trout fishery. Why would the state allow barbs on this river, when they know any trout caught on a barbed Salmon hook is DEAD! 5. How many drift fisherman have done well without fishing with bait for springers? Excluding the Wind where the Salmon seem to bite on anything?
Don't get me wrong, I am a drift fisherman and a moocher, far from a dryfly purist. But I don't believe that salmon fisherman have any business fishing above Roza Dam. This river has been a sanctuary for 15 years. Why spoil it now?
#91904 - 06/21/00 02:43 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/22/00
Posts: 270
Loc: Sunny Salmontackler Acres
If you agree with me send an email to the following and state your opinion.
Thanks --salmontackler
#91905 - 06/21/00 05:31 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 1819
Loc: Wenatchee, WA
I have never fished the Yak. for trout, therefore I feel like like I can't express a opinion on the actual salmon vs trout fishery. I do take exception to your slam on the eating of long-run spring chinook though. Having fished for salmon all over our great state and a few others (fresh and salt), the long-run springer is IMHO the best flavored of all pacific salmon. Even after traveling 550 miles to Icicle Creek in Central Washington the fish are wonderful BBQ'ers until the end of June (bright orange to deep-red colored flesh). These fish aren't even sexually mature for another 90+ days - and won't begin spawning until september. Yes they darken quickly when "bonked" and some have obvious "dam-rash", but these items don't affect the flavor of the fish. Granted, the same fish caught at tidewater would be that much better eating, but just because the fish is dark and predetermined to travel 100+miles doesn't make it any less of a salmon.
..."the clock looked at me just like the devil in disguise"...
#91906 - 06/21/00 11:57 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 77
Loc: Walla Walla,WA
The impact on the trout from having salmon fishermen around (if they are not using bait) is probably minimal compared to the effect of the increased numbers of fishermen on the local trout anglers. Some of them probably do not appreciate the gear tossers in such a pretty streach of trout water. It would bug me also, but that's how it goes.
As for being the only river that produces trout over 20" with any kind of regularity? Well, that's not exactly true. It has the most fishermen out of WA's collection of great trout streams, but there are several other places I can think of off the top of my head that are less crowded (because they are much less accessible) that will produce may fish in the 20" class and can on a very good day, produce hundreds of fish in the 10-15" range.
I think a well managed (often an oxymoron in this state) salmon fishery could be great. Maybe a few kids could tie into a king and begin a love of sportfishing they would keep for the rest of their lives. The fish need all the friends that they can get :P
#91907 - 06/21/00 03:42 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 86
Loc: eastside
salmontackler, In response to your posts I have to disagree with you on the eating quality of these fish. As one of the other posts said these fish eat fine up to the last part of June.Obviously, these same fish would be better yet fresh out of the salt but that isn't an option since its closed down there. Secondly, I have to agree with you one the barbless hooks. I have no problem at all fishing with single siwash's. I was suprized when the rules stated that we could use trebs.. That should be fixed! That way all you flyfisherman out there who want to have there private trout fishery wouldn't have much of an argument.I'm not at all suprized to hear some grumblings from another user group.To bad!!I think it is quite an opportunity to be able to fish a river that hasn't been opened for 40yrs.. As far as damage to the resource I feel that it is minimal at best(personal Opinion). Also, the DFW hasn't probably sold a lot more licenses but I drove the entire stretch(what you can) last weekend and saw numerous bank anglers fishing. So I have to believe some of these people bought a license to take advantage of a unique opportunity.
#91908 - 06/21/00 11:02 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 04/02/99
Posts: 453
Loc: Yakima Wa. U.S.A.
Salmontackler. You got a lot of gall trying to change the salmon fisherie. I've donanted my labor and time to get the run back and now you want us to stop for you. Ha Yes we should write to the right people and get them to extend the season and boundries. Apparently you have never tasted Yakima salmon,it is delicious. Please start using your brain before you write. Jim Marquis
#91909 - 06/21/00 11:40 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 06/23/99
Posts: 391
Loc: Yakima, WA
I live less than two miles from the Yakima, and do fly fish it on a regular basis. The number of salmon anglers on the river is negligable to begin with. On opening weekend we drove the entire length of the open section for salmon, and saw very few salmon fisherman, all of them them on the bank. Although I don't believe that it has any impact on the trout fishery, I think they opened the wrong section of river. With 17,000 salmon in the river, they should have opened the river from Roza dam downstream to about Prosser Dam. This would have allowed for bait, motorized boats, and a reasonable shot at catching some fish. All this while not disturbing the fly fishing section and causing a politcally bad situation. This way everybody comes out ahead. Best of all, I could have used my new boat!!!
#91910 - 06/21/00 11:58 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/22/00
Posts: 270
Loc: Sunny Salmontackler Acres
Huntar, I totally agree with your idea of opening the river below Roza, allowing bait would increase the catch rate tremendously. And the addition of motors allowed would help even more. The section of river that is currently open for salmon doesn't make any sense. Anyone that has floated this entire stretch would agree that finding springer holding water in this block of river is difficult. Yes, there are some good spots, but they are few and far between. . Duck in the fog, ? did you have a lot to do with the Federal(native american) hatchery that was built recently in Cle Elum? That hatchery is why the river is open for salmon. After planting a zillion fingerlings I woulld expect a decent return. What labor did you donate for this fishery? I am not doubting you, but really what did you do? As far as "using my brain", I stated my opinion. If you disagree with it, fine.
[This message has been edited by salmontackler (edited 06-21-2000).]
#91911 - 06/22/00 10:13 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 04/02/99
Posts: 453
Loc: Yakima Wa. U.S.A.
Salmontackler, First I would like to apologize for berating you. You do have the right to voice your opionion. As far as my doanated time. Past president NW Steelhead and Salmon , Yakima Chapter which included regional meetings on the polotics of the salmon and steelhead. Cleaning raceways and raising steelhead. Doing elevation surveys on the Little Naches to help the salmon to get up stream during low water. Participating in fund raisers. Including the salmon dinner. Clipping fins at the Naches Hatchery. This was all donated time. I was born in Yakima as well as my father. I'm 48 and have fished for salmon before it was closed. I thought I would never fish again for salmon on the Yakima but A dream I've had has came through. I think that we can co-exist on this fisherie. The only trouble I have is that some of those Giant trout might eat some of the salmon reds. Natural predation must be allowed. I also wish that they would extend the boundery to Prosser.Enough said good luck fishing. Jim Marquis
#91912 - 06/22/00 10:27 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 01/11/00
Posts: 113
Loc: Darrington, WA
I'm curious about what impact the hatchery will have on trout populations in the future. I've heard grumbling about the salmon being dominant and seriously affecting the trout. Also curious about what the hatchery's plans are for steelhead. I personally don't fish the Yak, but if there is steelhead to be had , I might.
[This message has been edited by Hillbilly Redneck (edited 06-22-2000).]
#91913 - 06/22/00 01:07 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 243
Loc: Pasco, WA
My personal thought is that if it comes down to trout or salmon, I choose salmon. However, anyone who has spent anytime in Alaska fishing knows that trophy rainbows and very healthy salmon runs can coexist within the same river. I also agree that there is no reason why the boundaries shouldn't be expanded, and they should require barbless hooks. As far as the quality of the meat for eating, come on. Spring salmon, even after they have darkened significantly on the outside, are by far the best table fare a fisherman can put on the table. I appluad your efforts Jim, without people like you, this run would very well not be what it is.
Hey, you gonna eat that?
#91914 - 06/23/00 12:57 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 86
Loc: eastside
Salmontackler, I have issues with you questioning someone whether or not he had anything to do with building this great hatchery system. As a taxpayer of this state I contibute everyday!! WHo is handling the payroll to operate this hatchery?? I will guess fed. taxpayers dollers!! Also, if you are so proud of your sanctuary then your user group should leave it alone also!! You guys are just afraid that some of use salmon fisherman will have to much fun sore lippin those beautiful 13-20" trout with our spinners! Give me a break!!!! We are fishing this river 8 days and you will have it all to yourselves the other 357 days!!!!!!!!! To complain about what we are doing is just plain selfish..
#91915 - 06/23/00 10:57 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 11/04/99
Posts: 15
Loc: Seattle, WA
This is starting to look like a thread from NWFishing.com.
#91916 - 06/23/00 02:24 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/22/00
Posts: 270
Loc: Sunny Salmontackler Acres
Steelyhorn, this is a test fishery. What I am concerned about is the future implications of this salmon fishery. How far will the rules go to benefit the Salmon fisherman? Should we expect a progression of regulations that will further undermine the efforts of flyfisherman to protect this wild trout fishery? Next year will there be guys drifting eggs under bobbers in the Canyon? Am I selfish? Absolutely!
#91917 - 06/23/00 10:00 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 86
Loc: eastside
salmontackler, I strongly doubt that we will ever see eggs legally fished on the upper Yak. There is no need to change what we already have. I'd even go to bat for you fly flingers for the retaining of a bait ban. And believe me when I say I love to smeer egg juice everywhere. So I am more than willing to retain the existing rules so that I can whip on some "dark kings" in the upper river. With next years run( the 1st returning to the hatchery, this year is wild!) expecting to be even larger there should be room for an expanded fishery. So all you "dark king fisherman" keep your fingers crossed and take advantage of the opportunity given today!!!!! Good-Luck and keep a bend in the ole rod!!!
#91919 - 06/24/00 12:31 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 03/24/00
Posts: 220
Loc: Poulsbo, Wa
I fished the Yakima on Friday and we hooked 20 fish and only landed 8. The biggest was 2 13inches and 1 18inches. The 18 has its eye all messed up Probably from a plug.
#91920 - 06/28/00 04:45 PM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Registered: 04/13/00
Posts: 30
Loc: the dalles or.
Hey Chris , you say you have only caught a hand full of steelhead , but now your an expert on trout battle scars. Sounds like he didnt` have any problems seeing your spinner??
#91921 - 07/02/00 01:41 AM
Re: King fishery on Yakima is a mistake!!
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 03/24/00
Posts: 220
Loc: Poulsbo, Wa
I was flyfishing. It was fun.
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