Dear WDFW,
The recent, as in an hour ago, opportunity to apply for a multi season permit was appreciated, but your delivery was not appreciated.
You should have made it available for an online opportunity to apply. Between the clerk that couldn’t find the data and the kid who showed up with none of his dad’s information who stalled the clerk long enough to make him go to person #2 in line, I am not pleased. I got to apply at 12:01:30pm only to find out that they were sold out, I am once again amazed at the WDFW’s ability to roll something out and not do it smoothly.
I asked the clerk and they said that they didn’t receive any information on the drawing other than me and the unprepared kid walking up to the counter, and then 3 more people behind us. Had it been online, myself and many other applicants would have had an opportunity to apply. Any issue would have been ours. Instead you have anywhere from 5 to 50 (outdoor emporium) people in line at your 700+ licensing agents, waiting to apply. You caused congestion and a huge waste of time for your clients and vendors, conservatively over 4,500 people.
The person I spoke with at the wildlife division stated they couldn’t redraw due to language in the WAC’s, so maybe you could look at redrafting said WAC’s to make it so you could re-run for unclaimed permits. For an additional $24,000 in revenues you cost your customers much more than that in time, effort, and gas.
Not amused.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"
They call me POODLE SMOLT!
The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.