I have been following the constant debates taking place on this BB over Indian Fishing rights and have allways chosen to stay unninvoled because it always seemed to come out negatively.
I know how I feel, and that is that if the fish populations need me to lay my rod down than this is what I will do. I give my respect to those with the same standards. I fish not only for the love of the catch but also for the love of the fish.
Now if you who are Native Americans have a religous and tradition tie to the fish I understand and very much respect that, but do you not care for the fish enough that you would lay down nets for a couple of years or at least adopt a more selective possibly less sucsessfull means of catching them. Are they only money to you, because in that case I lose respect.
I feel the same way for regular fisherman as well, we ask the natives to lay down their nets but are you willing to lay down your rods. (Possibly this should be tried, pull a walk out on WA dept of Fish n Game, no license buying, no spending money on gear, instead putting that money and time into fighting for a better fisheries system as well as better habitat as well as different Treaty rights(if need be). I know we dont have money from Casinos to put into our fight, but how will the Gov't respond when they and the local economy doesnt get the money they expected from the fisherman. Just a possible scenario) If us as fisherman would not accept putting our rods down for a few years or at least going all baitless/ barbless to save fish than I lose respect for us as a group as well.
Id like to clarify that I am only speaking of Salmon and Steelhead, I feel our trout populations are fine.
Imagine the possible impact this would have on fish. If either group cut back at least a little, imagine what could happen if we worked together.
Write back and tell me what you think, I would especialy like to hear from any Native Americans and hear how they feel or if their are any that agree with me on what needs to be done and if their are those that disagree and why (Just as long as its not ' because we were here first, I understand that but feel that it no longer holds any ground)Another question, why have we not moved past that and become one Nation with one people.
I hope I have shown that I am very open minded, I am very open to opinions and respect them as long as they are not racist. Try and persuade me to think differently because I want to be informed and know both sides of the fence.
Any other fisherman I would like to hear from to tell me if they agree or Disagree. Just remember that its a two way street and that we might have to sacrifice some ourselves.
Sorry about the essay, Ive been saving it up
Fun Fishing