#962158 - 08/03/16 08:06 AM
Voting for Hillary..
It should be every private employers policy to ask all applicants if they supported Hillary. Any reasonable employer would conclude based on the facts tnat, anyone willing to support Hillary, by default also supports; lying, theft, espionage, mistreatment of women, rape, bribery, fraud, murder, immorality of nearly all forms, complete void of honesty, integrity and courage..... that equals a really bad person and also a terrible employee.
#962159 - 08/03/16 08:07 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
If you want your business to be as currupt as Obama's government and the Clinton foundation hire a Clinton supporter.
#962160 - 08/03/16 08:19 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
My Area code makes me cooler than you
Registered: 01/27/15
Posts: 4569
All the Democrats collect a government check. Very few venture out in the private side. The ones that do are transgender.
#962163 - 08/03/16 08:40 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Good point.... Hard to argue with that.
I'm sure glad I am not an employer today, you can't discriminate which means your not aloud to express your values, which makes it difficult for your children to get an accurate picture of reality. Society tells them that everything bad is good, and their parents are bigots if they disagree.
Edited by RICH G (08/03/16 08:46 AM)
#962176 - 08/03/16 09:57 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/08/06
Posts: 3359
Loc: Island Time
The only reason to hire a woman, aside from her looks, is because you can pay her less for the same work. At least that's what Hilary does. She discriminates against her own inspite of her rhetoric.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."
If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.
#962584 - 08/09/16 12:32 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Saw it, it's pretty clear that she has a serious medical problem which they are trying to hide. She has also had a couple weird seizures at public events which are on film, the mainstream is refusing to report it.
She also has a hole in her tongue, which is suspected to be a "plug biopsy" for HPV or oral cancer. I've seen the pictures and it's pretty clear that's what it is.
#962585 - 08/09/16 12:38 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Really I just don't know what to think, she is the dirtiest candidate running for public office probably ever, and lots of people are willing to publicly support her. I read that many Church leaders are telling their memberships to support her.
But then again organizations with tax exempt status have to do what they are told if they don't want the IRS up their arss.
#962642 - 08/10/16 02:20 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Registered: 03/01/11
Posts: 981
Loc: Tacoma
She also has a forked tongue,
fify Just abounding with thoughtful, insightful, constructive intelligence. God help us!
#962644 - 08/10/16 02:31 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
What's funny is the people who support her blindly and try to tell you that the Clinton Deadpool, bengazi, her email scandle, and everything else that's come out is all a made up fairytale.
I'm telling you if you vote for her and she wins, you better be ready to deal with some serious consequences down the road. You better be volunteering to go to he FEMA camp.
#962651 - 08/10/16 03:54 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Wanna bet, by your judgement I'm sure I can be much more offensive, you ain't seen shat.
#962663 - 08/10/16 06:11 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
ExtenZe Field Tester
Registered: 11/10/09
Posts: 7961
Loc: Vancouver, WA
Scandales are serious fukkin sh!t, I'll have you know. Second only to scandles.
#962767 - 08/13/16 03:46 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
Probably FP
Registered: 09/02/15
Posts: 294
Loc: Soon to be in the White House
Find me a man who can look you straight in the eyes and say, "I believe Hillary Rodham Clinton should become President of the United States of America," and I'll show you a man I'd smack and call a pussy.
Everyone in America who isn't an ISIS member needs to be sporting the popular 'Make America Great Again' ballcap, otherwise they might get smacked and called a pussy.
Trump 2024 - Make America Great Again, Again!
"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." –Donald Trump
#962797 - 08/14/16 01:23 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/08/06
Posts: 3359
Loc: Island Time
Story by the Associated Press; curated by Jon Street.
BEIRUT (AP) — Donald Trump has found at least one person who agrees with his allegation that the U.S. administration founded the Islamic State group.
The leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group quoted Trump at a rally in the country’s south Saturday, saying the presidential candidate’s statements were based on facts.
Hassan Nasrallah says: “this is an American presidential candidate who is saying this. What he says is based on facts and documents.”
Trump this week described President Barack Obama as the “founder” of IS. Trump later said the claim was intended as sarcasm.
Nasrallah, who has sent thousands of his fighters to Syria to shore up President Bashar Assad’s forces, has long claimed that the U.S. helped create and fuel the rise of Islamic extremists to destabilize the Middle East.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."
If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.
#962809 - 08/14/16 06:46 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: RowVsWade]
ExtenZe Field Tester
Registered: 11/10/09
Posts: 7961
Loc: Vancouver, WA
Story by the Associated Press; curated by Jon Street.
BEIRUT (AP) — Donald Trump has found at least one person who agrees with his allegation that the U.S. administration founded the Islamic State group.
The leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group quoted Trump at a rally in the country’s south Saturday, saying the presidential candidate’s statements were based on facts.
Hassan Nasrallah says: “this is an American presidential candidate who is saying this. What he says is based on facts and documents.”
Trump this week described President Barack Obama as the “founder” of IS. Trump later said the claim was intended as sarcasm.
Nasrallah, who has sent thousands of his fighters to Syria to shore up President Bashar Assad’s forces, has long claimed that the U.S. helped create and fuel the rise of Islamic extremists to destabilize the Middle East.
1) So we're going to hang our hat on what Hezbollah says ? That's a little mental, don't you think ? Weren't they the ones who killed 241 Marines in 1983 in Beirut ? 2) Wasn't it George W. that destabilized the Middle East with his attack on Iraq ? Could it be that the failure of the US victors to enfranchise the Iraqi Sunnis have something to do with the rise of ISIS ? (they are in ISIS leadership positions after all) Could it be that the resulting power vacuum enabled ISIS to take hold ? Do your homework. Now we have to go on the 9th Crusade to kill them back. You can never kill them all....but they can be humbled into hunkering down for a decade or two. The previous Crusades have shown that. Then on to the 10th...
#962815 - 08/14/16 09:41 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: Direct-Drive]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
DD, face it, this is a no win situation. I don't want to lose another American life defending any of these rag head countries. NONE !
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#962816 - 08/14/16 10:43 PM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
The Rainman
Registered: 03/05/01
Posts: 2314
Loc: elma washington
what scares me about trump is that some like Rich g is a supporter
don't push the river it flows by itself Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. FREE PARKER DEATH TO RATS
#962825 - 08/15/16 11:15 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/08/06
Posts: 3359
Loc: Island Time
Gavin McInnes
August 15, 2016
Donald Trump threatened to kill Hillary Clinton last Tuesday. The Secret Service came to visit him and he’s looking at five years in prison. It’s all conjecture, of course, but that passes for cold, hard evidence this election and that’s because the whole thing is rigged. The media is completely in the tank for Hillary and they neither see, nor hear, nor speak of Hillary’s evil. Hey, guys, if you’re looking for murders, check out anyone who has ever crossed the Clintons. There are about 100 cases where some intern has slept with Bill or some lawyer knew too much or some investigator got too close and boom—he shoots himself in the back of the head at the top of a mountain at four in the morning.
The media cared about the sheer number of cases when 57 women said Bill Cosby raped them. If we brought the Hillary kill list down to 57, you’d be dealing with only the really, really spooky ones. Like the one last month where a DNC staffer, who may very well have supplied Julian Assange with the classified emails that brought massive embarrassment to the party, was shot in the back of the head in the middle of the night.
Seth Rich was talking to his girlfriend on the phone when a gunman came up behind him, shot him to death, and left without taking anything at all. Rich was in a nice neighborhood that I’m told hadn’t had a murder in six years. The Assange link got eye rolls from the left until he personally offered a $20K reward for any information leading to an arrest. A Dutch TV host pressed Julian on this and asked if it was a murder accusation directed at Hillary and the subject quickly died.
The list of victims goes on and on and on, and Google is happy to tell you how serious the accusations are and how tenuous the link is. You’ll likely come across left-wing bias where they pooh-pooh the link, but peel back another layer and it’s only a fraction of a percent less scary than you thought.
Take the case of John Ashe, who was choked by his own barbells in June. The U.N. official was on trial for taking bribes from Chinese billionaire David Ng, a.k.a. Ng Lap Seng. Snopes wants you to know it’s a myth that it had anything to do with Hillary and even my buddy Steve Crowder claims, “He wasn’t going to be testifying against Hillary at any time.” The NY Post disagrees and claims that “the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng.” This seems likely as an ABC News story from last year reported on Ng’s multiple visits with the Clintons in 1997 when he was photographed having meetings with them. So Ashe is looking at prison time for dealing with a corrupt billionaire who has a history with Hillary Clinton. He could likely negotiate a leaner sentence if he had some information to impart, but he wouldn’t be able to impart it if his windpipe were crushed by a barbell (who the hell gets killed by their own barbell?).
Cases such as Ashe’s have become routine for the Clintons, but they weren’t back when he was running for president in 1992. The incredibly sexy Paula Grober was Bill’s interpreter for the deaf back then and she worked with him for about fifteen years. It’s been reported she had told a friend about Bill’s advances and she promptly died in a car accident wherein she was hurled 33 feet through the air. Nobody saw the accident and it happened when she was alone, driving in the dark, with no other cars around.
Again, if we’re allowed to employ conjecture, I think this is when Hillary got a taste for murder. She likely wasn’t directly involved. If she were, there would have probably been more deaths before Bill was president. All I could find before 1993 was her giggling at a child molester for getting off.
However, now that her husband was president, she had the power to do more than giggle at crimes. She had the power to commit her own. I’d imagine it quickly became relatively painless and after a few sleepless nights, one gets over such things. She could have been like Martin Landau in Crimes and Misdemeanors after he had his mistress Anjelica Huston killed. “Once in a while there’s a bad moment,” he laments of the guilt, “but with time, it all fades.”
When Whitewater exploded, it became very bad for everyone involved, and that list included Vince Foster and the Clintons. Bill Clinton was being accused of forcing a loan to a woman named Susan McDougal, who facilitated a crummy real estate deal they were involved in. Luckily, Vince shot himself in the mouth before he could drag her down. Though many scoff at the idea he was killed, it is a fact that the Clintons immediately raided his office for incriminating documents.
The anti-conspiracy argument then becomes: They may be corrupt criminals who nabbed incriminating evidence from a guy who just committed suicide, but they had nothing to do with killing the guy who could have made that evidence public. Jon Parnell Walker was an investigator on the case who might have told us more, but he jumped from his apartment balcony to his death. Susan’s husband, Jim, was in jail and also had plenty to say. Fortunately for the Clintons, he died mysteriously of a heart attack while in solitary confinement. Susan refused to speak about the case after that and served 18 months for contempt. When she got out, Bill Clinton pardoned her. This seems to be the safest route to take when involved with a Clinton scandal.
In 1997, while Clinton and his erection were still running the White House, an attractive pregnant woman named Suzanne Coleman committed suicide. This isn’t unusual in and of itself, but people started asking questions when it was discovered she apparently shot herself in the back of the head and had an affair with Bill Clinton when he was attorney general in Arkansas. Was she pregnant with his child? We’ll never know.
That same year, Matt Drudge began unearthing a veritable orgy of sex scandals that eventually led to Monica Lewinsky. Mike Isikoff of Newsweek announced that a “former White House staffer” was coming out with a sexual harassment story against Clinton. Soon after, “White House staffer” Mary Mahoney was promptly shot in the head multiple times. She was a 25-year-old stunner who worked on his campaign and the murder was written off as a robbery even though no money was taken (à la Seth Rich).
Back in 1994, Paula Jones had filed a lawsuit against Bill Clinton and had immediately become too famous to kill. Monica Lewinsky wasn’t. Why wasn’t she killed? “I say today and I will continue to say that I believe Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made and action I took,” Linda Tripp told Aaron Klein earlier this year. She believes her recorded conversations with Monica left too much evidence for the chunky mistress to be taken out.
It seems too evil to be true, but as self-professed hitman for the Clintons Larry Nichols said, “The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them.” This is the part of the article where I make it clear I am happily married with many lucrative gigs I enjoy and a family I adore. As Roger Stone put it, “If I commit suicide, investigate Hillary.”
The list goes on and on. From the year Bill began running for office until this month we have: Ron Brown, C. Victor Raiser II, Paul Tully, Ed Willey, Jerry Parks, James Bunch, James Wilson, Kathy Ferguson, Bill Shelton, Gandy Baugh, Florence Martin, Danny Casolaro, Paul Wilcher, Jon Parnell Walker, Barbara Wise, Charles Meissner, Dr. Stanley Heard, Barry Seal, Johnny Lawhorn Jr., Stanley Huggins, Herschel Friday, Kevin Ives, and Don Henry—to name maybe half the names floating around.
Seem ridiculous? Okay, grab one from the list and look it up yourself. The links you get won’t be mainstream, but that’s because the mainstream isn’t touching it. How about Paul Tully? He worked obsessively on Bill’s campaign for president in 1992 and was intimately involved with what went on behind the scenes. He was found dead in his hotel room a few months after Paula Grober was killed. Did he know too much about the Grober death? We don’t know, but we do know 48-year-olds rarely drop dead in hotel rooms.
It makes one wonder, where is the Obama death toll? We know his brother in Africa isn’t doing well, but at least the guy’s alive. Maybe there is no Obama kill list. None of his bodyguards have disappeared and nobody investigating him has vanished (though Dinesh D’Souza did have to spend eight months in prison for embarrassing him).
The same goes for Trump. The DNC would love some death controversy to float around The Donald, but there simply isn’t any. All his bodyguards and staffers remain intact. In fact, it’s very rare for dead bodies to pile up around any public figure who isn’t Pablo Escobar. You know where Donald Trump’s chef is right now? In his kitchen, making a sandwich. The Clintons’ chef is dead. He vanished after going on a hike in June of last year and was eventually found drowned at the bottom of a river. Chefs know a lot about the people they cook for. Sometimes too much.
On Aug. 1 of this year, author Victor Thorn was found with a gunshot to the back of his head on a hiking trip. It was deemed suicide. He had just released the book Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House. This brings us up to Aug. 4 of this year, three days after Thorn got shot on a mountaintop. Shawn Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor just like Paul Tully. Lucas was a process server who proudly served Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC with subpoenas accusing them of putting Hillary over Bernie in the primaries instead of remaining neutral. It was on July 4 weekend, and on camera he declared it “The most gratifying thing I’ve ever done.” The video got over 420K hits and was incredibly embarrassing for the Hillary campaign. Within a month, Shawn was dead.
I imagine her hearing about the death and getting pissed. She never vocalizes things, but when her henchman walks into her office and says, “We took care of that thing,” she scowls at him and breaks a pencil.
She didn’t kill Monica because of a tape and this guy has a video with almost half a million views. The henchman is confused by her anger until he sees YouTube and realizes he screwed up. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t know.”
Hillary understands. In a way she’s mad at herself for letting the murder happen. She didn’t command it, but her gestures had made it clear to the right people what had to be done. To criticize him wouldn’t make sense and she’s going to need him a lot more in the coming months. Besides, what if he blabs like Larry Nichols did? After looking out the window, Hillary sighs and turns back to her friend. “It’s all right,” she says with that weird cartoon smile. “I mean, at this point, what difference does it make?”
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."
If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.
#962826 - 08/15/16 11:18 AM
Re: Voting for Hillary..
[Re: ]
I'm Idaho!
Registered: 08/15/14
Posts: 3461
Gavin McInnis? you do realize that he is a parody of the far right. right? in other words it's all an act. go fuk yourself proud boy.
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