Wait for River to open first for silvers, if you get caught targeting them, it ain't gonna be good.
Try ****-nites. brass/red tipped on sunny days, or chrome/red tipped on overcast days. If your fishing holes where you know there are silvers stacked, cast to far side and upstream of hole, reel fast, then slow down to a creeping reel, then gradually speed up as it comes in towards you. expect the hit just as you start to speed up again.
From a boat, sit right over hole and let your ****-nites flutter straight down on top of fish. It pisses silvers off and they will hit it.
If they aren't hitting it, then thats just the way it goes. One day silvers will be locked, other days they hammer everything.
I fished the snohomish one time a while back and threw a super-vibrax to the same school of Silvers all day long, my arms about fell off. Finally one got pissed at it and hit it just before sunset, I had been there fishing since 8 in the morn atleast. I lost the fish. Silvers are fun sometimes, but frustrating most of the time. IN RIVERS ANYWAYS. Out on the sound, no problemo.
I fished lewis st. several years ago when they had a huge run of silvers coming up and hit them all day long. So its just a hit and miss thing with those suckers. I find on days when they are jumping for joy and chasing eachother around they get lock-jaw. And days when they stay down they hit everything.
catch some steelies for now