Well i have gone on 2 guided trips last season and i found both thru this B.B.
Best thing is to asked question and get referrals from previous customers.All good guides services will be glad to give you name and contact phone for customers for references, it is how they grow.
I have used Jim and Shelly out of Forks, floated the Sol Duc and of course i have and will be going again with Jim Bain in his Thor Bilt sled.
Jim and Shelly do post here at times, if you are on line, post your e-mail address again, my e-mail got update after your last response and i lost all address'.
Jim and Shelly i met thru Bob the really big one by e-mail and Jim Bain by joining up with the WAA. Again thru this board.
There are several others on here i would like to meet and if avaialbe make trips out with, whether or not they are guides or just good folks and of course help pay for the trip, it cost lots of money to maintence a boat and trailer, insurance, yada yada yada.
Ask similar questions like you are hiring a cleaning service or a day care provider. Trust you sense's, if it feels too good, well we all know about to good to be true.
Be honest with your questions and read the answer's or listen to the answer's given.
Take care and good fishin
note: Jim Bain, read your e-mail yet?
elmtree (woody)
[This message has been edited by elmtree (edited 10-11-2000).]
[This message has been edited by elmtree (edited 10-11-2000).]
elmtree (woody)