I sent this to the WDFW and Commisioners, the process is underway for the next three years, we need a change, all user groups feel free to contact commission, it effects you who apply for multi season tags.
Dear (name of recipients)
I would like to ask the WDFW and Commission, to consider moving the start of early Muzzle Loading Elk season statewide. To start the last Saturday of September and run 9 consecutive days. This would accomplish a few things and avoid conflicts as listed below.
1. It would give ML elk hunters two weekends to enjoy their passion, like both other user groups.
2. It would put 5 weekdays between the end of ML elk season and the start of general deer season.
- Currently ML elk season has to end on a Friday, to accommodate the start of general Deer season the following Saturday. Resulting in just one weekend and only 7 days of elk hunting for early ML elk season.
3. Days afield could be shifted from late season to early season, so our total number of days afield remain in the states framework. This would only be a two day shift.
Thank you for your time and consideration in the upcoming season setting process.
(Name here)
Thanks, and feel free to copy and paste on any forums you are members of. Or copy and paste with your info to the commission and WDFW.
Edited by MetalheadMatt (09/10/17 11:15 AM)