A shitload of Salmon and Halibut gear for sale. I'll try to get pictures loaded soon.
175 plugs
#30 and #20 Hotshots. $3.00 Some new some used.
Wiggle Warts $3.00
Mag Warts $3.25
Wee Warts $3.00
Tadpollies $3.00
Mag Tads $3.25
22 K-14-15-16 Kwikfish $3.25 to $3.50
18 Salmon/ Steelhead rods
1 Lamiglas Cert Pro 8'9" 10-20# $150.00
2 Lami Mag Hotshot rods 8' $75.00
2 Lami 7'6" Mag Hotshot rode $60.00
2 Lami Classic glass 8'6" $60.00
Many more, Fenwick, st. Croix Quantum ect.
8 Ambassador 6000 red reels $25.00
misc. others Garcia, Quantum ect
3 large tackle boxes $15.00 ea.
60 FishFlash flashers $5.00 ea.
28 Hotspot flashers $7.00 ea.
13 dodgers $5.00 ea.
12 Jplugs $5.00 ea.
10 Jigging Darts $3.00 ea.
100 hoochies $.20 ea.
19 Stainless steel jigging spoons (Crock style)
custom built 10 ounce & 14 ounce $10.00 ea.
2 fighting belts $15.00 ea.
200 trolling spoons
Superior #7 $4.00 ea.
Superior #5 $4.00 ea.
Katchmac $4.00 ea.
Emerald $4.00 ea.
Brads $4.00 ea.
Misc. others
8 Halibut rods Lami 30-80 6' (very little use) $85.00 ea.
8 Lami salmon troll downrigger rods Classic Glass $60.00 ea.
Large reels
4 Shimino charter specials lever drags $75.00 ea.
3 Daiwa Sealine SLD30 Leverdrag $120.00 ea.
3 Newell S540 Halibut reels $120.00 ea.
8 Scotty downrigger clips $4.00 ea.
12 Leadhead jigs 16oz. to 24 oz. (Scampi) $2.50 ea.
50 Halibut leaders 18/0 circles w/large hoochies 300# $7.50 ea.
50 Halibut leaders 16/0 to 20/0 circle 300# $4.00 ea.
25 Halibut jig leaders 300# $4.00 ea.
1 Halibut Harpoon $30.00
1 stainless steel gaff $25.00
1 Halibut tether rope w/ stainless hook $20.00
Of course some prices might be too high or too low.
Don't like the prices make offer.
Pictures to come,