Originally Posted By: NickD90
Originally Posted By: DCC
Shelling those scarlet runners will be almost as much fun and exciting as hunting deer from a tree stand, though the chili cannot be beat. I recommend at least a growler of something cold and delicious with a high ABV rating, putting your favorite Gordon Lightfoot album on the turntable and getting to it.

I have 2 15' rows of scarlett runners and another long row of another kind of shelling beans called "Bingo", the blue lakes are another 2 20' rows that are jsut hitting their stride, red cabbage is now suitable size for bowling at the Fred Flintstone Alley, red cabbage slaw/ AK hali tacos for din din last night with yuge romaine leaves for the wrap, not kidding.

Onions are bulbing up nicely, big top means big onion and my tops are tops, leeks are going to make me sick.....too many leeks, somebody come take a leek.


.....look the hell out come corn time, the bodacious is bodacious.

Life's a garden.

Yo - hook me up with some of dat' sweet sweet bingo and blue lake bean seed for next year.

Those Hali Tacos...fook oh dear...

Taters are about 2 weeks out and counting and then the big reveal. Hoping for piles of mashers!

Nothing like a high quality home grown spud..

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.