Originally Posted By: Todd
With Seattle having the lowest infection rate of all major cities in the US, and King County as a whole right up there, too, any complaining about how we're dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic around here should fall on deaf ears.

But it won't.

I watched an interview with Culp the other day...literally his only qualification is that he determined that he wouldn't enforce the law, and the "law and order" crowd loved that, for some reason.

He comes across as pretty dense, not much of a speaker, and not particularly knowledgeable about...well, much at all.

I'm sure he's a great guy, but he is not governor material, and probably would not be Sheriff in a county of any significance, either.

Fish on...


This for sure...

Makes you wonder since we were the first to get going with the Covid and had next to no testing available for many months in the early phases how many people went "unknown" for having it...

Hands down though, Inslee handled this pandemic well. Masks work.

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.