Originally Posted By: Illahee
Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
Originally Posted By: Illahee
There's a huge hatchery just sitting there waiting for man to stop sh1ting in it long enough for the fish to recover.

Looks like it's gonna' take a much more effective pandemic than Covid-19 to clear the way for that recovery to begin. BTW, if the world human population were decreased by say, 50%, there is no assurance that environmental recovery would result in anadromous fish populations looking anything like they did in 1850.

Let's shoot for harvestable levels first or is it the all or nothing mentality?
Oregon south coast rivers allow retention of wild fish, so it's possible, we just need the will.
Until the sh1thing stops and those that sh1t are held accountable, the downward spiral will continue.
Welcome to the days we have made.

Wrong! Harvest/retention can happen over wild fish populations that have and will continue to have exceeded spawning goal populations.

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.