Originally Posted By: extremesteelhead
Ok the hoax is that wearing a peice of cloth on your face protects others. There still is no proof of that.

Not exactly.

From all the studies done on other diseases and airborne particulates, it's been shown that wearing the correct mask helps both parties.

Recent studies on particulate dispersal while speaking, coughing, sneezing, etc, show it is reduced with a face covering. The better the face covering the better the result.

The bandana, the mask of choice for the low IQ, was the least effective, but did sort of help depending on the thread count. But those that don't know where their nose is, or how to cover it, make the bandana even less effective, especially when it comes to protecting themselves. Well on second thought, most of them are mouth breathers, so the nose is only there to pick.

While everyone wearing an N95 mask would better, a certain segment of the population thinks that they can't possibly submit to such tyranny, so the recommendation is to at least wear something.

Now you can throw out all the prior data showing masks help because we don't have long term studies on covid 19. Or you can use that data to assume there will be at least some benefit of wearing a mask to help prevent COVID-19.