Sorry to hear this Jody, hoping for positive outcomes to her.

I started off during this pandemic partially afflicted by all the fear mongering, and rightfully skeptic about the claims. I soon took it seriously and have had a hard time watching natural selection affect those who dont. Inside and outside my own family. One truth about the 'rona is, it helped everyone see how smart or f*cking stupid their friends and family really are.

I got my second shot Wednesday, after being a anti vaxxer of sorts to begin with.

I now have a really good fishing buddy who many of you know where who is only 36, Strong and healthy, who is hospitalized with Covid. Super low 02 levels and im praying for him and his family every day. TBH, he was one of the non believers to begin with, and I bet that tube strapped to his face has altered some thoughts over the last week. It's been a tough ride for him.

Moral is, if you think this is a Hoax and wanna parade around without a mask on, you'll very likely soon find out the hard way you were wrong.

You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"