Originally Posted By: extremesteelhead
I've already posted, I use the bandana. Show me studies that show me, who doesn't have covid-19, wearing a bandana helps you not get it. If not, why force people to wear masks but allow a useless bandana?

Again, as already mentioned.

You don't "know" you don't have it, not having symptoms doesn't mean you're not positive. Testing negative today doesn't mean you won't test positive tomorrow.

Not spewing your spittle on the rest of us reduces the potential for others possibly being infected.

The people that think they're far smarter than the actual experts on infectious diseases think none of it is true because it doesn't fit into the reality and facts they "want or need" to believe.

Those in charge know this segment needs a way to show how smart they are by not following the recommendations of the real experts. So letting them wear a bandana and show they can't be intimidated by a hoax disease or caught doing something for the social good, is felt to be better than nothing.

This whole approach to limiting the spread has been dumbed down to accommodate those that can't, or won't follow simple precautions.