Alright, this sort of post usually gets the floodgates opening, but here goes anyways...

What kind of line are most of you guys using for winter steelheading? I'm talking drift/spoon/spinner fishing. For fall salmon, I pretty much use 15lb Maxima UG exclusively, but of the four spools I bought this fall, one of them was bad... the line broke pretty easily. I'm looking for some different options this winter.

So what are you guys using? Green line? pink line? if it's pink, what kind is it? what test/what test leader? anyone using fluorocarbon leaders, or is that no use in the colored winter waters anyway?

Lastly, what do you guys think overall about the different brands? Izor, Ande, Maxima, is Silver Thread still around? Any other really good ones I don't list here?


[ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: StorminN ]
Allright all you saltwater anglers, check out