RT ,Gooose is on the right track. I've had 2 major surgeries on my neck in the last 2 years. Awfully easy to let the meds get the best of us.
I too found that dealing with it on the mental level was the most effective answer. I have found ways to work around those activites that cause me pain. Heck I even learned to cast lefthanded one whole fall and winter season. Comes in handy sometimes. Try kneeling when you need to sit. Have read you already have the kneepads... whats up with that anyway.

Your contributions over the years outway your mistakes. We all make mistakes. Some are just alittle more ... embarassing.

Keep on posting. You have a great deal to offer those of us that are still trying to figure out which end of the oar goes in the water.
To fish or not to fish
What a stupid question

I fish therefore I am