Has anyone tried putting together a volunteer 'fish shepherd' program?

We create a NW wide fishing club dedicated to bringing legal justice to the scum who intentionally snag, litter, start fights, use illegal tackle, fish out of season, and poach in general.

One of our biggest obstacles is information. Who do we call? What do we tell them? Will it do any good?

Well, this group would provide those answers. And more. For every river system, we would determine the best contact for reporting specific fishing related crimes. We could post signs in popular parking spots, hand out business cards - both would have a listing of illegal activities (with associated fines and other possible consequences), and provide the phone number of the appropriate agency responsible. We would also include details on the information that should be gathered if possible: physical description, photos, videos, license plate numbers, etc.
We would get some good contacts in the state patrol, sheriff’s office, and Dept of F&W.

Imagine if you are a snagger heading down to the meat hole this fall, and here are some dudes handing out this kind of information to everyone that walks by. Then right at the trail head is a big sign stating that snagging is a crime, you'll be find $$, you'll lose your gear, maybe your rig, and maybe your fishing license. And you know that everyone down there knows what to look for, who to contact, and what information to provide. You'd be pretty foolish to head down and start snagging...
Now a few are going to go down and snag anyway. They won't be intimidated!! Well, there are a couple fellow fisherman nearby with a video camera out filming him drag a salmon in by the tail. Now this guy is either going to leave (and probably get busted), stick around and probably get busted, or maybe try to come after you (and probably get busted). This is why we would need to stick together, and maybe even pack some heat in case you need to defend yourself.

Well, I'm just throwing out an idea. Anyone have any comments???

To start out, we would just need one volunteer to 'own' a river, or group of rivers (lakes, etc). This person would gather other volunteers and determine the plan of attack: where are the problem areas? who do you contact for this area? and so forth...
