Well, I was here this fall and didn't hear much exept a bunch of complaining. Eyes int the woods sounds cool. Anyone here involved?

As for watersheds, I'd be happy to cover the Snoqualmie, including the upper forks, and lakes from Sammamish to Rattlesnake. Plenty of poaching going in just these areas to keep me plenty busy - posting signs, educating folks, and taking down plate numbers...

I don't think the confrontational approach is best either. But if they're waiting for at the truck... Well, just don't go out and do this alone.

I'm with ya fellas. No excuses next fall. Instead of whining, I want to hear about the jerks you helped bust.

So who out there has experience with this? Who do I contact for poaching activities in East King County?

We should all have pen and paper as wel as a cell phone in our vests - and we need to have numbers to call.

I like the hat idea, but I'm pretty picky about the kind of hat I wear. Plus it mike look alot like a target to some folks!!