Originally posted by sardonicus:
Another self-proclaimed Dumb s I see. How many boat people do you know of trying to exit the United States dimmy. Cubans try to leave Castro's paradise all the time. Some make it, some die trying. Must really be a wonderful place. Kinda like Miami but better. Really, I don't mind your jerking around politically but that last was inane.
That glass of Capitalist Kool-aid is the same flavor as it was in 1959...and it's just as artificial and stale as it was then.

By the way, There are ALOT of American Ex-Pates in Cuba, and the only Cubans *****ing about Castro are the ones that were Slum Lords, Slave drivers, & criminals that Castro gave the boot...all of them Batista's Boys. In my book, they deserve the firing squad no matter what country they originate from....Or the American corporations who lost thier precious real estate.

I know you are so busy flapping your gums that you have to close your eyes to keep up the effort, but the USA did infact hold a ticker-tape parade in New York for Castro after he took power and it wasn't until he refused to be another one of the US' client-dictators a-la Baby-Doc Duvalier*, his US support was cut off and it was then when he allied with The Warsaw Pact and siezed American interests.

*Do a google search on The Dictators that have been American allies. There are some nasty ones out there, and the US supports all the nasty things they do as long as they keep spending thier country's tax money and their foriegn aid on American Military goods.
The art of government is to make two-thirds of a nation pay all it possibly can pay for the benefit of the other third.--Voltaire