
Have you heard anything about the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) being called in on this issue? This sounds like it might be right down there alley!

"NORTHWEST CENTER What Is The Northwest Center?

Pacific Legal Foundation's Bellevue, Washington, office was established in 1992 to enhance the organization's effectiveness in challenging government regulations that infringe upon private property rights and other constitutional protections in the states of Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Idaho.

In the past ten years, the Northwest region has been the national focus of debate over the delicate balance between the competing interests in a healthy economy and jobs and societal goals to protect potentially threatened species (e.g., spotted owl). Similarly, regulations that demand private property without compensation for public use in the form of wetlands preservation, wildlife habitat, and open space are increasingly being implemented by all levels of government in the region. As property owners and regulators confront each other in court, the opportunity for setting significant national precedent is available through the work of PLF's Northwest Center.

Key Issues Being Litigated

The office challenges numerous kinds of government actions that violate individual and economic liberties protected by the Constitution, including: regulatory "takings" of private property without compensation; arbitrary and capricious denials of reasonable permit applications; unjustified permit fees and exactions that discourage beneficial development; harmful zoning regulations that bear no relation to a legitimate government purpose; unjustified restrictions on reasonable land use under the guise of "habitat preservation" or "steep slopes protection," just to name a few."

Why wouldn't the PLF step in and help out the folks in Forks? Maybe then the whole game plan that Forks may not be able to afford to litigate this would be moot! I know that WSC has there attorneys (Todd) but once PLF gets involved this whole issue may flip-flop faster then a pancake in a frying pan! \:D

So as and officer of WSC, what are you hearing about the PLF getting involved in this issue?

Is it true?

Is it false?

Or is it I don't know?

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????