Originally posted by Queetsqueef:
Sockeye DO NOT BITE, so if flossing is just glorified snagging then we might as well just ditch the fishery (joking).
If sockeye dont bite, what is happening in Lake Washington? Those seem to bite just fine. I've also fished sockeye in clear water in Alaska, and watched a sockeye turn towards my fly, flare it's gills, and inhale the fly. I even caught one on a deer hair mouse. On the surface. With witnesses. Who were sober (at the time, anyway). So I'm pretty sure that a good fisherman can get sockeye to bite, at times, anyway.

Now, if fish don't want to bite, and you want to floss them, that's between you and the authorities. But don't try to tell me you're fishing. Fishing is inducing a fish to bite, not finding a way to impale them on a hook. Flossing is harvesting. It's not sportsmanlike, and it's usually illegal.

Now, on the dick nite thing, I catch lots of fish trolling and retrieving the dick nite upstream. That is clearly a strike, so the silvers definitely will hit them. I don't know what the folks are doing in general on the snohomish, however.