Don't take my word for it GV:

NEW YORK - A rising number of Americans say health care is the most critical issue facing America today, and many are having trouble covering the costs.

A survey released Thursday by the nonprofit Employee Benefit Research Institute in Washington, D.C., found that 22 percent of those surveyed ranked health care the nation's No. 1 problem, ahead of terrorism, the economy, the war in Iraq (news - web sites), education, the budget deficit and taxes. Last year, health care ranked behind the economy as the top problem, and in 2002 it was second to terrorism, the study showed.

Almost two-thirds of those surveyed said the dollar amount they contribute toward their health insurance premium has increased in the past year, while about half say the amount they pay for prescription drugs and doctor visits have risen. In addition, more than four in 10 said their health insurance deductible — out of pocket spending before insurance kicks in — has risen in the past year.

Here's the link: