I was, and am very, very dissapointed!! We will pay now......boy are we going to pay, especially on the west coast \:\( Bush abandoned us during the the electrical shortage, and I would be willing to bet he could give a damn about the LEFT coast. With His policies on timber sales, religion, and having control of the senate.......look out!!!

I have the biggest problem with the religious aspects of this election, and how it will look to the Muslim world.......they will view this as the Chritian Crusades again, I can't blame them. I am not religious at all, and to think this president will "try" to enforce his beliefs through political lines really scares me. I in NO WAY want anyone to think I support those crazy arabs, but perception is half the battle to the rest of the world.

Can ANY Christians out there PLEASE explain the verse "Thou shall not kill" and yet republicans which I believe to be more apt to be religious support war, and killing if you voted for Bush this is what you supported......seems VERY HIPOCRITICAL???? I am seriously confused with people of religion???
