I can pretty much go along with the first 4 paragraphs (although with a different interpretation of the 1st paragraph), but after that…

The age-old debate of “genes vs. environment” is what mainly gave birth to the behavioral sciences. Are newborns a “blank slate” to become a product of what they hear, see & feel or is all their behavior completely predestined? If you are in either of these camps (like Crabbait) you are in a tiny minority. Most behavioral scientists believe that we are a combination of both. Most also feel that few (if any) humans are 100% masculine or feminine.

Let’s say that homosexuality was the norm -- 90% of the population was gay. If you honestly think that kids raised in an environment where homosexuality was encouraged were not more likely to turn out gay, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that you may be interested in buying.

I guess I am going to have to go over to ifish and straighten those guys out…