GLSEN (pronounce "Glisten") is moving fast and strong on WA state and many others. They often find a willing team with our school district and leaders. When they don't, they are ready with threats to sue for harrassment and hate crimes (whether the particular shcool has issues in that area or not).

GLSEN, Planned Parent Hood, NEA, and other big organizations have a strategy that invovles 'sexualizing' our young children. Not just accepting or tolerating the gay lifecycle, but exploring it at a young age.

Planned Parent Hood has a website dedicated to kids called "teanwire". In it they tell our kids how common and normal gay sex is and how it is OK to experimnet with it. They offer in depth detail about ANAL STIMULATION and how it is OK for both gay and straight kids to explore it and how common it is.... Nuff said...