Originally Posted By: hohbomb73
 Originally Posted By: RowVsWade
 Originally Posted By: hohbomb73
I'm hoping that your reference to this being a "GAY free" website is not an attempt on your part to exclude those of us who may be gay from

Gaybomb57---Welcome out of the closet.....have you called Daddy yet?

I know your Mom knows but the whole Daddy thing has been tough on ya'...Huh?

RVW: It makes me smile to know that you enjoy this as much as "we" do. I'd smile more if your petty response make any sense at all. I too am not above the low-brow, but wonder if you "get" my previous post. I was making a joke about your hipocracy, which you ironically displayed AGAIN by your weak "gay" jokes... Sorry if my sense of humor is over your head.

Welcome to the party...

Gaybomb57----I do enjoy humor, what I see displayed here is not humor. I do however enjoy watching you try to squirm out of your complicity. lol

Petty is the BS you and the girlfriends have seen fit to give someone.

I understand the need to take the weakest out of the chain but I always mourn the death of an animal in the jaws of the predator.
You and the rest of the girls.... I don't think I will feel the same way. Because a bully isn't a predator but rather a bully is the easiest prey. I know you can't understand that but some day you will see. lol Maybe when the internet girls are all gone or maybe before. Goodnight. lol

lol...lol....soooo laughing.

"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."

If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.