Cool report and the pics look just fine but.......................

Originally Posted By: fishNphysician
.... and crackered three opportunities on steel.


Just the day before my buddy Crush Daddy (member since 3/30/06, 2 posts lame), whom you met last month on the crk, hooked a hot buck deep in the bowels of a tailout. We had no choice but to yard him thru the ripple and into the next run. He fought the buck beautifully working all the angles to the point that I even mentioned that it was too bad Doc wasn't there to see it as you would have commended him on his fighting skills. Ah-Never mind smile

Gotta agree with Todd. Get your redneck cowboy ass back in the saddle soon! Preferably this weekend.
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler