I forgot to add in spoonplugging. With and without divers.

And, during the salmon season, one can take it to the "next level" and try sardine wrapped spoonplugging.

I see some STS and SSJ articles in the near future!


PS. I just had a great promotional idea for RVRFSHR. Every time someone buys a spoon, they get a piece to puzzle that has to be decoded. The decoder takes 25 special pieces. After you have collected the all the necessary 25 decoder pieces (how many spoons would one have to buy to get all 25 pieces, assuming one doesn't always get a new and different decoder piece with every spoon), the puzzle is revealed, which says:

"Buy More RVRFSHR Spoons."


(Wish I was on a river spoondogging now. frown I'm jealous.)

Tule King Paker