Originally Posted By: parker
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
No kidding, where'd you get the intel?

One of the best courses I took at the UW was on the Glaciation of the Pacific Northwest.

The ice age is coming, dude. Global Warming be damned! It's not gonna stop the fact that we're gonna be under ice in 10,000 years or so.

We're in an ice age now. Just on the "warm" side of the event, but it's getting colder.

You just have to expand that mind of yours past the 50 or 60 years of your lifespan. wink

Start thinking in 25,000 year blocks. Pretty wild stuff. Kinda makes the here and now pretty insignificant.

Here's another one for you all - do you HONESTLY believe humans will be on this plant and alive in 10,000 or 25,000 years from now?

Look at how much destruction of the planet we've done in a 100 years. Look at how much the population has increased in 100 years.

Think we can stick around for 10,000 years?

I don't. This virus we call ourselves will be long gone by then.


Ahh jeez Parker. I have those people knocking on my door all the time talking about Armageddon.... Now you're going off the deep end.....

But I do believe man-kind will be gone within 5000 years, heck I'm sure earth will get smashed by another asteroid or comet....

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.