Gotta agree with Fly here, tho I can only imagine he's posting this cause he doesn't know any insults (yet) in Russian or Vietnamese. wink

Even city cops know that the best way to gain trust/cooperation is to have someone who speaks the language. Don't necessarily need to hire ethnic minorities, but they do need to start hiring/training for the ability to communicate in a second language.

I tried to explain to a couple asian clam-diggers I ran into near Point No Point that the season wasn't open a couple years ago. They looked at me, then at each other, mumbled a bit and went right back to digging.

Another issue is one of outreach. A WDFW rep needs to be meeting the minority user groups to communicate proper use of our outdoor resources. WDFW pamplets are printed in English - a few handed out in other languages would be a good start.

Since all these changes are dependant on money, I doubt much will happen in the near future. But the direction can be established right now if we're able to get our point across.

