Originally Posted By: superfly

Also I don't know if you have noticed but we live in a very diverse state. We have every ethinic group that there is out recreating and enjoying the outdoors. Do you know that we have no Black officers, no Asian Officers, no middle eastern officers, no Indian officers and only 1 hispanic officer!! If you go to any average size police dept. in this state you will see officers of every race and of both genders. WDFW has ZERO diversity which makes them look like a bunch of redneck, white supremisist officers. This needs to change, especially being that you have a large number of Asian and african american sportsman.

Ummmm, how do you know there are no asian officers, or black, or others? I gotta call BS on this. You got some nerve. I personally know there is an Asian officer in Mill Creek region 4.

You are pretty ignorant, WDFW officers have one of the hardest jobs of ANY LEO in WA State, and for you to spout off about dope grows and how they shouldn't be looking for that is just moronic. Last time I checked growing dope is illegal, and they do encounter this "IN THE FIELD" where they belong. What are they suppose to do when they are investigating a fish and wildlife violation and come across a field of dope, on our public lands? Get a clue, the budget is drained. These guys do a great job and if that involves busting dope growers, or catching DUI's then so be it.

BTW, their uniforms say WDFW Enforcement Officer.

The problem is NOT WDFW officers, the problems lie with the department itself, and the politics of this corrupt state, and the corrupt public officials that keep getting re-elected.


Edited by FishOrDie (10/30/09 10:04 PM)