Originally Posted By: AuntyM

Louie, A couple of thoughts.

For starters, the difference between the projections in option A and option B are not realistic. I am willing to bet option A is too high because the 5 day option will not likely encourage more recreational crabbing and harvest than option B. All it will manage to do is give people more choices of when to schedule a trip. This was pointed out by Larry B, and I agree.

I also don't think including October will lead to us achieving the projected numbers. We know crabbing drops off significantly after Labor Day and when the season reopens in Nov. most folks don't participate. Adding Oct. won't change it that much.

The last word the advisors got was that CRC sales were down. How that translates into harvest remains to be seen, but it should be lower.

With all that said, why would staff want to bring up buybacks at this time, before we know if there is a need? If the commission wants to know, then why wasn't a buyback included in the policy proposal, since it's in the "old" policy?

Without giving all the facts and buyback options to attendees, it looks like "fishing" to me. Staff would then attempt to sell the commission a bill of goods, as they did with a proposal they themselves presented to the commission for a 4 crab daily limit which the commission wisely rejected.

Lastly, Sporties pay for a shellfish license, fund the CRC data collection AND fund derelict pot removal now.

We should all be opposed to paying for anything else until we get treated fairly by WDFW.

Thanks for your thoughts on these matters.

I agree that as far as Option A and Option B goes, that both are equal to me on the way I crab fish. Depending on what I catch the first day I go out determines, if I need to go out a second time in the same week, and also determines how many weeks I'm going to skip dropping the crab gear. I don't get a winter crab card and October probably wouldn't entice me unless there is some real summer like days that could and do occur some years.

My impression was that they were definitely looking for something to use at a later date when asking about buy back possibility.
The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them