Originally Posted By: NickD90
That's 10 demerits for having such knowledge. I shame you. I shame you in public for all to see. BOOOO THIS MAN!!!!!

I should not receive any demerits for having that knowledge. Knowledge is power...even if that knowledge involves your favorite singer.

Originally Posted By: Dan S.
Adele. The fu.ck, Paker?

I happened to glance at one of the sub headings on CNN the other day about Adele and a new song being released. It was front and center on their home page and it was unavoidable. The basturds at CNN set up a trap. Didn't read the article, don't know the song, but I was incorrect in presuming Stam was listening to an Adele song. In reality, he was rocking out to Rush.

Originally Posted By: WDFW X 1 = 0
Parker enjoys them Adele sized women.

He once told me,

"Small girl big hole.......Big girl little hole."

A questionable friend and board member once told me: "It all feels the same when you are getting your nut.". -2Many
T.K. Paker