Originally posted by AuntyM:
Yup, another government agency in violation.
Isn't this the root of the problem? If these gov-ment agencies were not in such blatant violation of federal and state laws, would we still be seeing these lawsuits?
As much as I like hatchery fish, maybe, just maybe hatcheries are really not our "Gods Gift To Fisherman".
You might not like the tactics of these enviro groups, but they are just forcing these gov-ment agencies to comply with the law.
Personally, I don't have a problem with that....even at my fishing expense.
Originally posted by AuntyM:
So what do these groups that include OREGON TROUT and NATIVE FISH SOCIETY want? Are they asking for water quality compliance ASAP? No! They apparently will drop the issue if ODFW voluntarily closes 19 hatcheries.
Sure. If you remove the hatcheries, the water quality issues go away...that's of course unless the state decides to just keep the hatcheries on the river and contine to "feed the water". Somehow, I think if a hatchery stops producing fish, the source of the water quality issues (at hand) will go away.
Originally posted by AuntyM:
I guess some of you need to be hit in the head with a 2x4 before you it dawns on you there IS a well organized environmental movement going after hatcheries.
Yes, I think we all can see that these groups are going after hatcheries. But, as you stated above, these hatcheries are federal/state agencies that are not complying with the laws, and are in violation. Someone *should* go after The Man.
Originally posted by AuntyM:
Those of you that have NO opinion or are apathetic and prefer to do nothing bother me. I hope YOU are the first to lose your opportunity to fish.
I don't see you being any better or worse than WT and the other enviro groups. Just two extremes not looking at the middle.
I don't wish for anyone to lose fishing opportunity. Matter of fact, I can only wish that it gets better for my kid(s) and grandkids.
Letting state and federal hatcheries go unchecked and unregulated won't help that fishing opportunity.