Well Im sure I will get an earfull on this one, but have to say it any way. I used to get Vision hooks for free and really liked them, actually I wouldnt use anything else, not just because I got them for free either, but I really liked how sharp they were. Buuut then there was a time of fishing when those Visions took a turn for the worst and I basically was completely fed up with them that I would rather get a hook that I found on the ground and rig it up instead. These are all sizes of these hooks. I had piles of these hooks and would end up picking out way too many defective hooks to count, also the bigger hooks that I would use for spring and summer kings would have a very high ratio of bending. Out of 100 smaller hooks, not sure the size, the smallest you would want to go for steelhead, I had 20 of those break, and another 10 or so defective. I still was behind them though. When I started to buy them again and this still happened, I was to be honest PIST OFF, and started to search for a new hook. I use 12# - 15# test so Im doubting it is the line strength that is causing this. Also tried those Owner hooks, now that is a sharp hook, but seemed to be weak also, so now its gammies, but am not stoked about the price of these, thank God for Sportsman wharehouse, can get them for $2.00 cheaper than OP. OK Im ready to hear the lashback. Just guessing who it will come from first.