Hmmm...and to be a good Republican, one must believe...
Constitutional protections for free speech are fine, as long as you don't use it to criticize GW.
If you do use it to criticize GW, you're unpatriotic.
Folks who "manufacture" hamburgers at BK or McD's are have "manufacturing" jobs.
Only you and your fellow right wingers are the "real" sportsmen.
It's only sport if it bleeds.
All drug users are evil, and ought to be locked up, key tossed away...unless you're a talk show host and had your maid lie to buy you up to 100 pain killers per day, in which case the mythical "compassionate conservative" takes the stage.
Your party holds the presidency, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court, and still manages to blame all of the country's ills on the other party.
Gassing your own people makes you evil and a threat to freedom and the American way of life, if you're in the middle East, but ethnic cleansing in Africa is "self-determination".
Greatly expanding the size of the government for terrorism fights is justified...expanding it for any reason in a Democratic administration is "big government" and typical "tax and spend" liberalism.
The constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures protect Branch Davidians and militia groups from Pres. Clinton's unreasonable and illegal activities...but don't apply to my library habits or phone conversations because of the "War on Terror".
Conservative thought means "think for yourself, you don't need your government to do it for you"...and let's all wear "Ditto!" shirts to show our individuality.
Conservative thought means the government ought to keep a sharp eye on your bedroom, but ought to keep it's damn nose out of your gun cabinet.
Since the sanctification of marriage between a man and a woman is so darned important, you should try it at least twice (Reagan and Gingrich).
All forms of welfare are a waste of taxpayer money, unless you're a farmer, commercial fisherman, miner, cattle rancher, sheep herder, the oil industry, the hydroelectric industry, or work for a large corporate entity that gave big $$ to the Rep.'s during the last election cycle.
Fish on...