Do you mean the one where the US did everything possible to assure the European Jewish refugee population would have someplace else to settle BESIDES here?
How anti-Semetic of all those God fearing Christians! After the Jews suffered and endured Hitler in WWII, we wouldn't welcome them here. A large percentage DID want to immigrate to the US instead of the "Holy Land" and we didn't want them. Only the very lucky ones were allowed to immigrate to the US. Ditto for the Brits.
We will support Jews in Israel forever, as long as they don't come here and threaten our Christian dominance of the US.
YUP! This mess was CREATED by hypocritical Christians... Most Jewish refugees had NO traceable Middle Eastern heritage, yet we forced many to settle there and forced the Arab population to live with it. Anyone opposing said policy is labeled "anti-Semitic", "rascist" or worse, when in reality, it was an anti-Semitic AND anti-Arabic policy in the first place.
That is so absolutly true!
A huge mistake that is costly and wrong. A logic that is next to imposible to rationalize or justify. Could be why we do so poorly with a deplomacy that's crippled by it's anti-Arab policies and all it's injustices. We will eventually have to notice what the rest of the World see's, as we turn a blind eye. It's like having an Elephant take a dump on top of the dinner table, and not be aware that it is offending someone else, because we've been condition to over look the out of control Elephant (with WMD), that is Isreal.
Can't get the Genie back in the bottle.