If the government bans assault weapons, which weapons will be banned? i.e., which firearms are assault weapons?
exactly SG, what constitues a rifle being an "assault rifle" or "assault weapon"?
is it the sexy AR platform? that is widely used by the US Military and Police forces in the US and abroad? and has killed people in war?
is it the short barreled pump action shotguns used in trench warfare in the WWs? and has killed people in war?
is it the M1 Garand, used widely in WW2 and beyond? and has killed people in war?
the M1 Carbine? that has killed people in war?
the Colt 1911, that has killed people in war?
the lever action Winchesters and the likes that the cowboys used to kill indians and others during times of "war"?
the 1903 A3 Springfield bolt action rifle, that killed people in war?
the 1861 and 1863 Sprinfield Muskets and 1853 Brittish Enfield rifles that killed hundreds of thousands of people in the Civil War?
the 1795 Sprinfield Musket and British Baker rifles used to kill people in the War of 1812?
the Brown Bess and Kentucky Rifles used in the Revolutionary war, that killed people?
just because a bunch of plastic is clipped on a gun to make it look "futuristic" and up to date, doesnt make it any more scary than a .54 caliber Hawken when pointed at your head.. 3 10 round clips out of a Beretta 9mm could have done the same thing to those kids in the closet, a shotgun, or even a .22 same thing... it has nothing to do with what type of rifle it was, all rifles/guns are weapons, and when used against another human, wether in murder, or in war, they become an "assault weapon", because the weapon is being used to assault someone... just because you put a bunch of ferrings and flares and a fin on your 1989 Honda, doesnt make it a race car, it just makes it look like one, a crappy one, but you get the point...
in the Civil, Revolutionary, and 1812 wars, they also used swords to kill people, but those arent talked about, Bayonets were another brutal weapon... i cant remember fully, but i talk frequently with the curator of the Historical Military Museum here, and have sold him items of mine and such, and i asked him why Bayonets werent serrated, to create massive wounds and such, and he said i think it was the Geneva Convention that outlawed the use of them, and "3" sided knifes, as you couldnt heal from that type of wound... not 100 so dont quote me on that one... in any case, anything can be an "assualt weapon", i could assault the sh!t out of you with my shoe, wich then by law, makes it a weapon... gonna ban Nikes now?