Originally Posted By: OceanSun
There's a whole lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum with confirmation bias and the almighty dollar keeps driving the both sides further apart and into their respective echo chambers.

Salmo was right about why Fox News is the leader in cable news. Among the major players there's one of them and several of the "other guys" to spread out the viewership.

Reefer - you're wrong with your summation of Fox News viewership just as much as people who say MSNBC watchers are triggered snowflakes with TDS. But then you knew that... Wacko's gonna be wacko's no matter their political leanings and there's plenty on each side.

To the earlier question of why people vote for Trump there are many varied reasons and you can't paint the Trump voter with broad brushes. Abortion, personal freedom, economy, shake up the political status quo, conservative values, reigning in government overreach, etc. etc. Trump serves a political/policy purpose for many who cannot stand his character. The evangelical/conservative component of his base are very much at odds with trumps character but voted not FOR Trump but THROUGH him FOR Gorsuch, Barrett, and the nearly 300 other judges he's put on the bench. Then there's the wackos who love him for his FU, burn it all down attitude and see that as validation for their own wacked out sh|t. Two very different kind of people. He's either a brilliant strategist in his quest for power or just dumb-lucked into enough disparate segments to put together enough of a "base" to win or be competitive for the presidency. Mis-labeling or trying to ascribe false motivations to Trump voters isn't a smart political move as Hillary found out with her basket of deplorables.

Good explanation OceanSun. If a person is a died-in-the-wool conservative, they're gonna' vote for the despicable Trump. That in and of itself doesn't make them a "deplorable." But it sure looks like taking a step closer to that edge.