Good grief Charlie Brown.

O.K. you are not an Ignoramus, however I think that I am a pragmatist.

And you are correct when you say "Just because I see things differently than you does not mean I'm ignorant or wrong, the fact is that I may very well be the pragmatic one and you the ignorant one, you pick your fake news and I'll pick mine."

Now when you say "I've chosen to vote character this time around" I must admit that I emitted guffaws. Perhaps you meant that Joe is a 'Character' and if that was your intention I would agree wholeheartedly.

Your next point was, "trump leads the easily led" while that may be true, as a person who is of conservative values I am willing to take bitter medicine as a cure.

As for your last two paragraphs, just remember that when you live ina glass house don't cast stones.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
Winston Churchill

"So it goes." Kurt Vonnegut jr.