Another very good reason I carry a side arm with me. Way to go Drift boater. I completely agree, and unfortunately I don't have the statistics with me. But whe nthat intiative passed I found it very odd that the game dept. would basically give away the cougar and bear tags? They new the best methods for huntign them had just been taken away. It is also strange that up to that point you used to have to apply for a permit to hunt cougars!! Now you can get a tag for $10 and can hunt them fro Aug through March. The harvest hsn't gone up for either bears or coupgars since the hound hunting and bear baiting ban! Yeah sure there are more animals. But the hunters are left without viable way to hunt them.

And Chappy, you are way off base on the wof thing. Give it a rest already!! Wolves and cougars dont have natural predators!! Except maybe grizly bears. There aren't enough game animals to support wolves plus all the cougars and bears that we have already. And support hunting seasons that bring a lot of revenue itno this state!