Hmmm, time for me to chime in on this one? laugh

This thread has evolved into something with a life of its own. Hunting in any form that is not detrimental to the general population of wildlife being hunted is a VIABLE form. Same thing goes with fishing.

Now for the Chicken Little statement... yes, the sky is falling, yes the AR groups are out there to take away everything you hold dear. Australia has lost waterfowling because the AR movement pushed hard for it, not because of general public sentiment.

Yes the AR groups have the backing of the general populace in ballot issues. Is it because they are stronger? Because they are smarter? Because they are right?

NO! again I say NO! What they are is organized, what they have is cohesion within the mass. What they have is a unified voice to stand on a unified platform and spout their idiocy, sentiment, and misinformation!

Every single person posting to this or reading this thread has a strong opinion regarding our fish and wildlife... but do all of you belong to a group dedicated to retaining your heritage? If so, are you active within that organization? Do you volunteer your time, or do you just send your $15-$45 per year and forget it until the renewal comes in the mail?

*Break out the guns here folks and get ready to blast me for this one....*

I am ashamed of the fishing and hunting population. The vast majority, those the public sees, are nothing more than a bunch of coat-tail riding slackers! They believe that someone else does the fighting. They believe there is nothing they can do because they haven't tried. They believe the propaganda that is thrown around the media. They believe that drivel and trash that is handed them by the AR groups. They are the same ones that voted to remove trapping because that picture of the kitty in the trap moved them. They are the ones that voted to remove baiting because, "I believe hunting should be done through stalking and tracking." They are the ones that removed hound hunting for the same reasons... or because they bought into the clap-trap of "fair-chase" and "ethics."

Are you one of these people? Are you willing to give your heritage away one piece at a time because it is something you don't do, so why should you support it? Have you read anything from the PETA site? Have you looked at the crap they are throwing at our children? Have you read their work up on "How to become an activist."? Do you realize that it isn't just the tofu eating, Jesus sneaker wearing, hemp coat making, dreadlocked crowd that is wanting to take this away from you?

Really, do you understand that? Do you understand that the only people powerful enough to take what you love away from you are....... YOURSELVES?!?!

1/6 of WA citizens are sportsmen/women. We spend more than the entire apple crop of this state. We spend more than the entire commercial fishing crop of this state. We employ more people than Microsoft. But we have no clout. Because those that I am ashamed to call my brethren do nothing but sit on their laurels and hope for the best. Even worse, they believe the AR groups are not out for what they do.

Wake up people. driftboater is pissed at these people for a reason. bearmanric hates them for a reason.

By everything that you love, you should to! Or are you perfectly happy having to whisper the discussions of your dream hunt while in public places or at the water cooler?

Fight for what you love, you will find your opinion matters, your voice can be heard, your vote does count. 1/6 of WA citizens is a strong force... too bad 90% of that force would rather grab another beer than write a letter mad

Robert J.