Well I have been watching this conversation for a few days and I think our friends with problems concerning certain techniques in hunting needs at least a three hour dose of Bonanza and most importantly a trip to the local slaughter house. Fisherman argue about snaggers, flossers, poachers, native handling, and anti- bait guys vs. fly fisherman, and hunters argue about certain season lengths and areas, bow vs. muzzle loader vs. modern rifle, and tons of other stuff. Take a step back and notice were all in the same boat pretty darn much, no one is more elite than the other. We both hopefully share a passion and a natural Ted Nugion high of hooking up with nature and making beautiful love via the means of hunting, and fisging. Yeah there are bad apples out there who drag gill nets through the river at 3 in the morning and morons who go to feeding stations and kill massive numbers of deer and elk, but that is just a few and wer not all like that and I seem to think we might be projecting our frustration concerning them and ultra radical groups who oppose any kind of hunting or fishing onto each other and not realizing the root of our angst. That cougar on the most awesome river on the universe has always been there and will always be there, so occurrances like the past will continue. To be pissed at the cougar is like being irate at snow and melting it everywhere it is seen just because a skier or snow mobiler was killed or injured in an avalanche. We are in their territory and that is that. The attacks in the developments well hey that is just our fault and we are the guilty party there. In terms of the degredation on a huter because they use dogs, give it a rest. Hunting is hunting and those dogs nor hunters arived on this beautiful planet with the knwoledge and skill to hunt any animal in that technique. ( Oldy but goody "their are people starving in ethiopia") I feel lucky too be able to post my opinion on such a non issue type of thing in the wholistic view of life on this planet. Tight lines, and filled freezers.
"You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd Wants to do"