Originally posted by micropterus101:
Originally posted by RockLizard:

Trying too explain to you why flossing hatchery fish is ok is like trying to tell a vegan eating meat is ok! Of course the vegan is going to say eating meat is unethical, but is it really? Some people dont have money flowing in and they can only make a limited # of trips so they get the fish however they can.Some people just enjoy having several fish on throughout the day. If you dont like it fine but dont force your views on others.

I know its the law but it was a law put into effect by a liberal and all liberal made laws should be repealed!

Flossing at blue creek off the bank? I dont think so. There is no need. The fish bite faster than you could floss them. But if somebody wants to waste there time have at it. Just dont set the hook on every fricking rock and chunk of wood. Line ripping through the water will spook them suckers faster than some guy wearing a hunting vest standing right above the fish. Fish feel like soft wood youll know when you hook one!

The keeping your line moving regulation is only on certain rivers other wise we would be hearing from the plunkers.

Last but not least I want to reiterate I dont floss anymore I have moved on to better methods that are actually legal.
But like I said before hatchery fish dont rate. wild fish will get you in trouble.

If your calling the game warden on people snagging hatchery fish your stupid!
You dont have to explain why flossing hatchery fish is ok, you just stated that the flossers scare away all the legit biters by ripping their line on every rock and stick there!
Thats why I disapprove of it, it puts all the biters on lock jaw. And Im not FORCING my belief on anyone, just letting you know where I stand, nothing more nothing less. If someone goes down to BC and starts flossing fish, so be it.

And please dont mention me and PETA , liberals or vegans in the same sentence again, I didnt say we should release these hatchery brats unharmed, I merely suggested they be caught by legal means. Whether its a liberal law or not is not relevent, its a law, pure and simple. Theres alot of laws I dont agree with, doesnt mean Im gonna break em anytime soon.
Team Cope
No Sleep Pro Staff

They can have my eggs when they pry em from cold dead hands