Flossing is going to be happening as long as there are salmon to catch. I have done it a time or 2 and might well do it again. An accomplished flosser will snag much fewer fish than a driftfisherman under the right conditions. I hate plunkers that snag, they don't even attempt hook fair. I much prefer a bighter, but when the water temps up, it can be hard to elicit a strike sometimes and I like to catch fish. Some of the best flossers out there use a flyrod. I watch it happen alot on smaller streams and the funny thing is that alot of them think those fish are biteing.. Its really funny to watch, espically when you tell them that the fish was flossed and their uppity attitude makes them blow their lid.
My dad is the best flosser I know he can catch sockeyes like no ones business, and he uses a flyrod with a sinking line and 4 ft of leader. (yes they are wild fish, but thats standard operation for sockeyes on the kenai tell me different and I tell you your full of s**t)
when you say we should close these places that snagging occurs, within a couple of years no place would be open.. They move in packs directly related with the next article out of fishing and hunting lies. the only way to get rid of this crowd would be genetic clensing, which is even less popular than wanting to close hatcheries.
I love the Meat Hole boondobbing is a blast when the fish are in. Most of the guys there are pretty nice guys in my expirience and amazingly enough the barrier dam aint that bad if your nice to everyone, you can get drunk for free laugh beer .
Facts don't care about your feelings..