Originally Posted By: bankwalker
Originally Posted By: hohbomb73
Originally Posted By: bankwalker
the runs on the coast can support it no dout.

I'll let the "dout" slide, but it does seem ironic that you can't spell because the above is one of the LEAST educated things said on this thread so far...

The Hoh does not meet escapement (when is the last time it DID?); its "runs" cannot support over harvest.

...Just because you think it does not make it SO. Just because the law says it's OK, doesn't mean it IS.

well then i was mistaken. i thought they did meet escapement...i thought that was the reasoning for them having a 1 native limit a year on those certain rivers.

and not every person over there is gonna keep a native fish. i know i sure wont and BUT i dont have a problem with people doing so if they choose. it is legal to do so, be it right or not. that is for each person to decided.

as far as me being stupid abu-loomis. personal comments like that are not needed.

Didnt they drop escapement last year so the hoh could meet escapement?
I know when i started fishing it escapement was double what it is now.....
watch out for the "Untra Lof Jags"
