Originally Posted By: OPfisher
I dont know the regs in the UK but if I went over there and caught one of the biggest chalk stream trout they had ever seen, I still wouldnt club it... regardless of if I thought it was the norm or not.

i think that is more to do with culture then it has to do with the fish.
90% fo the english, russian, etc etc etc keep 90% of the fish they catch. they do it for food and NOT sport. like alot of americans do.

so for one of us to go over to another country and C&R imo is alot different. we, at least in the northwest know how important C&R is to our sport. and we also know how badly our beloved wdfw manage our resources and the impacts of keeping all the fish we catch weather they be hatchery or natives.

when someone comes from another country to fish in my mind they are fishing for food. alot of them read the regs and keep what they read is legal to keep. i hold no fault in the fisherman if that is the case.

even with hatchery fish. if we were to keep every single hatchery fish we catch then hatcheries wouldnt make thier quota's and we would be in the same boat with very low escapement of hatchery fish. which is the case alot of times anyway with very poor returns.

the main fix for any problem we have with natives or anything in this state when it comes to wildlife is that we need people in charge that can actually manage our resources.